A modern adaption of an Ibsen classic
'The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.'
(John Milton, Paradise Lost)
Hedda Gabler has it all - the life she chose, the husband she chose and the home she chose. She is brilliant, witty and cultivated. Expecting to launch a salon of her own for the social and artistic elite.
Even so, Hedda isn't happy. Just back from a 6-month honeymoon, she is bored and frustrated. She resents the sacrifice of freedom involved in any commitment – to her new husband, whom she already finds intolerably dull; to the home she chose on a whim and now finds claustrophobic; to the pressure to become a mother. 'I will not be depended on!' she cries.
Hedda has created her own prison, her own hell. Her baffled rage at her situation leads her to manipulate those around her in more and more impulsive, destructive ways, always seeking an escape into a pure, aesthetic realm which is where she feels she belongs.
No – she is not a good person, Hedda Gabler. But she is mesmeric. She has a pair of pistols and knows how to use them. She effortlessly commands the attention of everyone around her – and that includes the theatre audience. You won't be able to look away.
Written by Henrik Ibsen Directed by Graham Smith
Monday 24th - Saturday 29th March, 7.30 pm
Sherborne Studio Theatre, Marston Road, Sherborne
Tickets for Hedda Gabler will be on sale from February 24th
Before clicking the 'Book tickets' button, please read the note below
When checking out, we recommend the 'Fast Checkout' option followed, if necessary, by 'Checkout as guest (you may need to scroll down to find this)'. If you are an unregistered customer, you do not need to create an account, in fact it's probably easier if you don't.
If you want to create an account, click on one of the sign-up options shown; the 'email' option is possibly the easiest. Be aware that your basket will time out after 15 minutes (there is a 'time remaining' indicator top right of the screen).
Whichever checkout method you choose, please complete the 'Full name' field with your first and last names only.
If you need help with a ticket order, you can telephone 07353 074944 (9.00 am - 7.00 pm, please).
For cancellations, date changes and reserve list requests, please do not telephone; email admin@aps-sherborne.co.uk instead.
Please also be aware that a gun will be fired several times during each performance.

Make your evening out complete with a preshow meal at the Newell French Bistro in Greenhill, just a few minutes walk from the Theatre. Note that the restaurant is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.
3-course menu (excluding wine) £28.50
with a full à la carte menu to choose from.
01935 710386