Amateur Players of Sherborne is a registered charity (Charity No: 1144869). Our income comes mainly from the profits we make on our productions. However, we are a relatively small society and the Sherborne Studio Theatre has a small capacity compared to most theatres, so our income is limited. We are constantly faced with the need to maintain the theatre and are always seeking ways of improving our facilities and systems. These financial challenges can often only be met with additional income. You can help at any time by by making a donation, which will be gratefully received. Please contact the Treasurer if you would like to donate. Your support will be much appreciated.


You can also support us by joining the Sherborne Studio Theatre 100 club. This takes the form of a lottery, but it is limited to only 100 people. As a member of the club (you do not have to be a member of APS) you pay £5 a month. Every two months you have a chance of winning up to £100 and once a year there is a draw for a prize of up to £600. This is your chance to help to secure the future of the Sherborne Studio Theatre and APS, and to give yourself the chance of winning some significant cash prizes.

How it works

So, if you buy one ticket, your annual expenditure will be £60.  Assuming all 100 tickets have been sold, you will have six chances each year of winning £100, and one chance of winning £600. Of course, if fewer than 100 membership tickets have been sold, the prizes will be smaller, but your chances of winning will increase.

How to apply

Click on the links below to download an Application Form, a Standing Order Mandate and the Terms and Conditions. Having completed the Application Form you can then either email it to or send it by post to Martin Williams, 45 Kings Road, Sherborne, DT9 4HX.

Application Form Standing Order Mandate Terms and Conditions

You will also need to set up a Standing Order via on-line banking, or complete the Standing Order Mandate and post it to your bank. The Standing Order should be made payable to: Amateur Players of Sherborne; Sort Code: 30 99 98; Account number: 42549960

Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully so that you fully understand the way the 100 Club will work. If you are not able to download or print out the documents, please email with your postal address, and you will receive them by post.

 We hope you will decide to join the 100 Club, and wish you good luck in the draws!

 Martin Williams   (Registered promoter, 100 Club)